To the Motherland...

I'm taking a journey with my good friend, Sameer Sampat, to India. What exactly this journey is going to entail... your guess is as good as mine. Our inner voices will be our guide. (along with our handy-dandy Lonely Planet)

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Location: Fremont, California, United States

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Misguided - OFOTO

Well, someone has "hacked" into my ofoto account (not much "hacking" to be done since the password is at the top of the page), and has tampered with my account. I now do not have access to my account.

Most likely... it was some "Alok Mehta" from Ahmedabad who messed with my account... so, can you please return my password to "photos"... or please give me the password that you've changed it to.

I am keeping this blog, and giving people access to my pictures to share my experiences, and thoughts with others. Hopefully.. others will also benefit from them, and see Idia through my eyes. There are NO benefits from tampering with my account. Anyone can have their own account, it's completely free. Anyone can see my pictures. Anyone can print my pictures. Again.. NO benefits from taking my account from me.

I believe that all people want to do good. All people don't want to take advantage of other people. So, why don't people always do good? Why are people exploited around the world? It's because of ignorance. It's because we don't really know what makes us happy. It's because we're misguided.

So, in conclusion... will "Alok Mehta", or whoever tampered with my "ofoto" account... please return my password and settings to the original settings.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you, buddy. i'm drafting the tamnilnadu blog. should be up sometime this week.

2/06/2006 3:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha that's kinda funny, someone changed ur pwd!! :P

2/07/2006 3:33 AM  

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