To the Motherland...

I'm taking a journey with my good friend, Sameer Sampat, to India. What exactly this journey is going to entail... your guess is as good as mine. Our inner voices will be our guide. (along with our handy-dandy Lonely Planet)

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Location: Fremont, California, United States

Thursday, February 02, 2006


I'm going to attempt to make this interactive....

What's your purpose of doing things? Day-to-day things... to bigger goals... to career paths... to choice of where you live... etc. Why do you work? Why do you have a bf/gf?

Why do you make money?

How much money do you want to make?

Hypothetical situation, if you could be doing ANYTHING you want... at all times, you could be doing anything you want... in this hypothetical world, you don't have to "work" for money. In this world, if you do what you want to do, then... no matter what, you're going to get paid a fatty paycheck.... then, would you still do what you're doing at this moment? If not, what would you be doing?

These questions because... I'm really questioning the importance of money... and am trying to figure it out. (my family and others tell me that questioning the importance of money will not help me in finding a girl).

Also, I'm trying to test this "Jeevan Vidya" out.


What happenned to Bataaka Nu Shaak!??? The end of an era... not even representation at Dandia Dhamaka... may BNS rest-in-peace.


Is there such a thing as sacrifice? I don't think so. Sometimes, we hear.. wow, you "sacrificed" the life that you have in America to be out here. But, my view of sacrifice... is that, sacrifice isn't really giving anything up. It is taking something on that is more value to me. It is giving something up that is no longer valued to ME. However, others may view it as sacrifice, because THEY place value on the object/action/etc. Now, is there a purpose to giving up something of VALUE, just for the sake of sacrifice? I don't think so.

I.E. One wants to be healthier. One realizes the effects of soda on one's body. One wants to bring more justice to the world. One realizes the exploitative tactics that companies such as Coke and Pepsi use. One decides to give up all Soda. This isn't sacrifice... but it's giving up something to achieve something of value.

I.E. One REALLY enjoys playing computer games. One doesn't realize any ill effects. One doesn't have anything to replace the void it would leave. For the sake of sacrifice (and building up self-control, will power, etc.), one gives it up. The person did "sacrifice", but... what will probably be the result? Probably a void of misery? Nothing to replace those games that gave him/her happiness. Probably a return to playing those games... or replace that habit with another similar one.


Mom's out here and the rest of the family is coming in soon.... I am starting to feel like an NRI again.

Back in Ahmedabad... I was there for a few days... I spent quality time with Divya and Asha... and it was a real pick-me-up.... as, I was having one of those, "what am I doing out here!?" days... just a lot of internal strife. Once again, I realized that value of the great people that surround me.... although... I miss most of them out here.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raj, good questions you ask, most of which I've asked myself and been forced to answer in working towards my imminent return to India in a few weeks.

In short, everything I do is aimed at experiencing, or maintaining happiness. My journey has been one of understanding that which makes me more lastingly happy, and shedding false (often external) notions of how to be happy.

I look forward to sharing the details with you in person sometime soon.

2/07/2006 12:07 PM  

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