To the Motherland...

I'm taking a journey with my good friend, Sameer Sampat, to India. What exactly this journey is going to entail... your guess is as good as mine. Our inner voices will be our guide. (along with our handy-dandy Lonely Planet)

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Location: Fremont, California, United States

Sunday, October 16, 2005

And we're off... (I think)

AHMEDABAD, GUJARAT - So, we've been here for a while now. We've really found a comfort zone... hanging out with all the NRI's, getting inspired by all sorts of people -- Nipun and Guri, Akanksha people, MS kids, other NRI's, Indicorps staff, Jayeshbhai/Anarbhen, Bharat Uncle, NRI Vidhyarthees that are on break that we met, Buch Ma and Dada, Swadhyay Uncle- KantiKaka, etc. We did come to India to get inspired, but, we didn't come to India to find a comfort zone.. I could just stay in Ahmedabad, do some work, and be happy... but, we've came here to really push our limits, mentally and, partly, physically, as well. Nipun really reminded us of this when we first saw and talked to him at MS. We're still not pushing TOO hard... the travels that we went on, at first... was a mental challenge.. but after a while, we found a comfort zone. Now, we should try to push ourselves a little more. We're headed to Saurashtra to visit some Swadhyay ghams tomorrow (if we can get the train ticket!). It's not a big push... the trip is planned... we have some contacts... we're not going completely into the 'unknown'... but, it's making sure that we don't get too comfortable. This first portion of our trip.... there are certain things that we want to learn about, explore, and experience.. and we're going to continue to do that.

So, the plan... is to train to Veraval... and contact a couple of Mit and Arpit's contacts down there. Arpit and the other other NRI Vidhyarthees just came from there, and Arpit told them that he's giving their contact info to a couple of Mitul's close friends who may be coming soon.... sooo, I think they're expecting us.

Being involved with Swadhyay since I was about 5 years old... we've always heard, "To see real Swadhyay kaam, you have to go to the ghaams..."... sooo, here we go.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Travel by general class - you'll be guaranteed a ticket. Pack light - someone's armpit will be your pillow, and your bottom will probably be someone else's pillow.

10/17/2005 3:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey raj! we love to read your blogs.keep it up............
explor more and posted often.

10/26/2005 4:03 AM  

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