To the Motherland...

I'm taking a journey with my good friend, Sameer Sampat, to India. What exactly this journey is going to entail... your guess is as good as mine. Our inner voices will be our guide. (along with our handy-dandy Lonely Planet)

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Location: Fremont, California, United States

Thursday, September 15, 2005

How did we get to Ladakh?

LEH, LADAKH, JAMMU KASHMIR - So, we arrived in Ladakh at 11 pm last. Many of you are problably wondering, what is Ladakh, where is Ladakh, and how the heck did you get there?

First, from Haridwar, to Rishikesh, to the mountains of the Uttaranchal, to Shimla, and Manali, and now through the Himalayas... we have went through some of the most beautiful natural scenery I've ever seen. It's like God had an empty canvas and all the colors at his dispousal and just went wild spalshing colors here-and-there... rivers... mountains... sunrises... sunsets... farms... animals... birds... snow... rain... desert... it's just been unbelievable.

So, again... how did we get to Ladakh? By land, the only places one can get to Ladakh is either from Srinagar or from Manali. We were in Manali... the road goes through the Himalayas and took us a total of 19 hours. And this isn't just any road... it's dangerous to a degree... it's not well-built... you go through the most beautiful scenery in the world, from green mountains, to snow-capped mountains, to barren desert land. From rain to snow to bright sunshine. From glaciers to beautiful glacier water streams. The scenery was unlike anything I've ever seen in my life! We took a Jeep from Manali... it was me, Sameer, 3 German guys, and the driver, Thumbe (who was Nepali). Together, we urinated at 15000 feet in the FREEZING cold (this is nothing, because Sampat later went number 2 at 18000 feet!). We had a flat-tire. We saw a truck skid in front of us and almost hit us. We saw moutain peaks that seemed higher than the sky! We saw people living in the valleys using the streams that come from these peaks to irrigate their farms. We had breakfast, lunch, and dinner and random dhabas. We got headaches from altitude sickness. We tried to read. We made friends with two of the Germans, Marco and Daniel, and are currently staying in the same hotel as them. It was quite the incredible journey, and I know that words do not do it justice... and I feel like even when I get my pictures up, that won't do it justice!


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