To the Motherland...

I'm taking a journey with my good friend, Sameer Sampat, to India. What exactly this journey is going to entail... your guess is as good as mine. Our inner voices will be our guide. (along with our handy-dandy Lonely Planet)

My Photo
Location: Fremont, California, United States

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Share N Care Thanksgiving

So, on Thanksgiving Day, Sameer's dad, Kiran Uncle planned a "Share N Care" day in SF. We got together in the morning at the Sampat household and made about 70 bag lunches... and then we all met up at Union Square in SF. For about an hour, we went around, and passed out lunches, and also warm clothing to those living on the streets. Along with this, we had a "Free Hugs" sign, a couple of "SMILE" signs, and a couple of "Happy Thanksgiving" signs.

The mood out there on the streets was super-festive! There were lots of orgs and individuals that were giving out free stuff, and in general, spreading the happy vibes. There were homeless peeps carrying around huge bags of goodies! And on this day... where it seemed like everyone had enough food and all.... it seemed like the "Free Hugs" were in the highest demand. Right when Sowmya and her sister, Dipti, came... I knew that they were the rights ones to carry the sign!!! Myself, Kev, and Nealu... all with our unshaven, scruffy looking faces were probably not the right trio to be giving out free hugs.... and soo, the free hugs were a hit.

We ended up running out of food real fast. My favorite moment came when a man from across the street, yelled, "So, what you guys giving out?" and he was probably thinking that he could get some food or clothing, or sumthing. But, we had none left. So, we put up the "Free Hugs" sign.... and from across the street, this burly black man, gave an "air hug" and I returned his flying hug with one of my own. It was one of those moments that if you added some inspirational music... it would have become a YouTube hit. =P

Haha.. Nealu kept reminding us at how this experience would be so much more inspirational if we actually had the inspirational music playing in the background as we DID the deeds versus just putting it as background music on to the slideshow, afterwards. Haha.. not a bad idea... maybe next time we have a boombox with us?

For me, these days are all about connecting with those people that we walk by everyday. We're so busy in our bubbles and our lives... that our interconnections with every human being just go by without being noticed. They are always there... and they can be a true source of goodness, inspiration, motivation, and harmony. It's bout connecting with those that have been oppressed but also those that are deemed as "fortunate".

Here's the slideshow Kiran Uncle made from the day -

And here's the famous Free Hugs video -

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Link to InSPIRE pics and Video

Here's the link to InSPIRE 2007 pics -
Here's the link to the promo video -

Generalizing... not completely thought out

Some generalizations:

The West believes in the possibility of the perfection of systems and institutions so individuals can fulfill their material goals which will lead to happiness.

The East believes in the possibility of the perfection of individuals so a larger community can fulfill its spiritual and material goals which will lead to happiness.

Obama.... our only hope.

You know... I don't really know THAT much about Obama. I've seen him in the recent debates and heard his recent speeches. I haven't picked up his book yet. I know bout his life... and how he's biracial, and raised by a single mom, and spent part of his childhood abroad, and he just quit smoking, and basically..... he was a normal American... world citizen. Which makes me believe that for once, there is a politician that is in touch with reality. I know that he's worked as a community organizer. I know that he may not be the best politician, but he stands for ideals.

I have hope that if he gets elected, America will no longer be the laughing-stock of the world.
I have hope that if he gets elected, our economic relations with other countries will become more equitable.
I have hope that if he gets elected, he will approach our relationships with our so-called 'enemies' in a honorable manner. He will actually engage in dialogue, and not create more enemies.
I have hope that if he gets elected, it will be a small victory for the traditionally oppressed.
I have hope that if he gets elected, America could become a leader in the evolution of the entire world to a more peaceful, harmonious community.
I have hope that if he gets elected, ego and brashness will take a backseat to humility and honest inquiry.
I have hope that if he gets elected, those that have lost hope... will regain it.

Hillary, nor any of the other candidates that have a shot at winning (including the Republicans), give me any hope whatsoever.... other than... more of the same.

My backing... VOTE FOR OBAMA!