To the Motherland...

I'm taking a journey with my good friend, Sameer Sampat, to India. What exactly this journey is going to entail... your guess is as good as mine. Our inner voices will be our guide. (along with our handy-dandy Lonely Planet)

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Location: Fremont, California, United States

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


The rains continue to pound Mumbai... (,curpg-1.cms) as I try to physically, emotionally, and mentally prepare myself for my journey. Our flight is in less than 48 hours... if it doesn't get cancelled, or if we don't delay it. In all likelihood, we still leave on Wednesday, and fly into Seoul. Then, if the airport in Mumbai is closed, they'll just leave us in Seoul for as long as it takes. Soo.. if anyone has been to Seoul and knows of anything to do or see there... please let me know... =P

My friend, Jigar Patel (seen on the right with me), is in India currently, and has been out there for the last month or so. For approximately 3 weeks, he volunteered with FSL in Karaikal, Tamil Nadu doing tsunami relief work. If anyone is thinking about doing a short-term service project, Jigar raves about his experience there, so check it out:

I asked Jigs if he's got any advice for me on how I can mentally prepare myself for the trip... soo, here goes his list:

To mentally prepare yourself, things that I should have realized that you may want to consider:
- Always bargain starting at 50-75% of the retailed price
- People can spot foreigners very easily, don't travel with your backpack everywhere
- Transportation by auto rickshaw can get expensive, go for the bus
- Don't be scared of stray dogs, if you see one chasing you, bend down as if picking a rock and act like you're chucking a stone at them
- Eat the fruits, be careful of beetles
- Don't hesitate to speak to someone next to you, even if they speak a different language, I've learned to speak through gesturing
- Find a group of travellers if they are on the same route, it's always fun with more folks if they are good people
- Take every opportunity to play with the children, it'll make your day
- Travel by all means (I rode on top of the jeep with a friend becausethere was no room inside the jeep - it had 14 inside and us 2 were on the top, I also got a ride on a broken catamaran through this smallriver with these 4 small kids who were rowing me)
- If you have the time, volunteer and do physical labor and teaching

Now, I know that if a stray dog is chasing me, I should pretend to pick up a rock and throw it at the dog. I think I'm mentally ready.


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